Well, for anyone (like me) who cannot wait for the next big screen incarnation of Spider-Man to hit theaters when ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming‘ finally comes out next summer, it seems that Marvel feels our pain, and is planning on releasing a prelude comic next summer to tide us over, and prepare us for Spidey’s next cinematic adventure. It is not the first time Marvel has released a prelude comic to prep audiences for one of its summer blockbusters, as there was similar comics released for ‘The Avengers,’ ‘Iron Man 3,’ ‘Captain America: Civil War,’ and most recently ‘Doctor Strange.’ The news about Spidey’s prelude comic comes to us from Amazon where a recent listing reveals not only that a prelude comic will be coming out next summer, but also provides a brief (and vague) description of what it is going to be about.
Here’s the full description from the listing:
You adored his introduction in Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War, you can’t wait for his Hollywood Homecoming – now really get to know the Spider-Man of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in this prelude to his big-screen solo adventure! By day, young Peter Parker attends high school and lives with his Aunt May. By night, he fights crime with wall-crawling powers and web-swinging tech – and he’s destined to one day have an amazing, spectacular, sensational reputation as his neighborhood’s friendly hero! Join Marvel’s Spider-Man as he makeshis first tentative web-swings towards a blockbuster future!
Most likely the comic will cover either Peter’s return from the events of ‘Captain America: Civil War’ and re-aclimating into his normal life, or else focus on other characters like the villains of the upcoming film to help set them up, but either way, it will be a nice introduction into the new ‘Spider-Man’ mythos that Marvel is building in the MCU, and hopefully help set the stage for the ‘Spider-Man’ film we have all been waiting years to see. Do you have any thoughts on what you would hope to see in this prelude comic? Feel free to share your opinions in the comments below!
Source: MCUExchange