Practically from the moment she made her debut in ‘Iron Man 2’, Marvel fans have been enamored with Scarlett Johansson’s depiction of the Black Widow. This only intensified after her sophomore outing in ‘The Avengers’, after which many began calling on Marvel to give the character a solo film. And it’s not just fans. While Marvel has yet to officially announce anything, Johansson herself has expressed interest in doing a Black Widow film on several occasions.
In a recent sit-down with ‘Variety‘, Johansson once again discussed her interest in a Black Widow movie, saying:
“I would like for it to happen under the right circumstances. I think there’s a lot of opportunity to mine that story line. She’s got a really rich origin story. There’s a lot of places you can go – you can bring it back to Russia. You could explore the Widow program. There’s all kinds of stuff that you could do with it. You could really uncover the identity of who this person is, where she comes from and what she’s part of.”
As the ‘Variety’ interviewer was quick to point out, Johansson’s description of the potential story ideas for a solo film make it sound as if her interest lies primarily in doing a prequel. However, the actress’s subsequent comments make clear that her interest is driven more by exploring the character than any one story:
“There’s plenty of back story. Or not. It could be something else. Where do the Avengers go? They are underground. What happens then? What happens after it all falls apart? There are so many ways you can go. I think it would just have to be very much like its own specific thing. It would have to have its own specific vibe. It would have to be totally different than any of the other standalone films. I think if the fans wanted it enough, then it would probably become a reality.”
Johansson also confirmed that she has spoken with Marvel often about the prospect of a Black Widow film, with the actress adding that Marvel is “greatly invested in the character”. While this obviously doesn’t mean the movie is happening, it does mean that the possibility is very much alive. However, it would probably be best for interested fans to make their voices heard sooner rather, Johansson notes that if she were to do a solo Black Widow film, “I’d have to do it while I still actually wanted to wear a skin-tight catsuit. I don’t know how much longer that’s going to be.”
Scarlett Johansson will next appear as Black Widow in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ in 2018.
Would you be interested in seeing Black Widow get a solo film? What sort of storyline should such a movie follow? Let us know what you think in the comments!