In 1992, Paul Reubens, better known as comedic manchild Pee-Wee Herman, played a small role in Tim Burton’s ‘Batman Returns’ as the father of Danny DeVito’s Penguin. This take on the waddling crime lord was a more grotesque mutant than the dapper dandy most are accustomed to and in his tragic origin flashback, we saw Mr. and Mrs. Cobblepot fling their deformed infant from a bridge. In a surprising– and pleasing– move, the creators of ‘Gotham’ have signed Reubens to return as The Penguin’s father, Tucker Cobblepot. This time, Oswald Cobblepot is played by the creepy but compelling Robin Lord Taylor and to be honest, the physical resemblance is rather uncanny!
Producer Danny Cannon shared an image of Reubens and Lord Taylor in costume on the set:
Not bad, eh? Judging by Reuben’s character’s appearance, it looks as if Papa Cobblepot is quite wealthy and successful, which is interesting when contrasted with Oswald’s overbearing mother Gertrude (Carol Kane), who was not exactly well-to-do. What is their secret past? How will this character’s return affect crime boss Oswald?
Does his return (?) have anything to do with Gertrude’s death earlier this season? (She was killed by new crime boss Theo Galavan.)
Reubens was announced as playing Tucker Cobblepot this past October, by Taylor who made the enthusiastic declaration at NYCC.
Unfortunately, ‘Gotham’ fans have a little longer to wait. New episodes don’t resume until February 29th. It’s not yet clear if Reubens’ appearance will be in that episode or will come later in the season.
What do you think? Are you ready to “scream real loud” at Reubens’ “Big Adventure” in Gotham City?