Capcom has revealed that the next installment within the ‘Resident Evil’ franchise, ‘Resident Evil Revelations 2’, will not be coming to the 3DS this time around.
Michiteru Okabe, the game’s producer, explains why:
“It’s partly a technical reason. We have our own custom engine called the MT Framework, and as the mobile and home console versions are quite different technically, given that we were taking the home console versions as a starting point, it just led somewhat naturally.
We tried to release it on as many platforms as we could, and that later became a selection of current and next-gen Xbox and PlayStation platforms as well as PC, so that’s how we ended up with that.”
This comes as a surprise as the game’s predecessor, ‘Resident Evil Revelations,’ was originally a Nintendo 3DS exclusive back in 2012 before it was made for the PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and PC more than a year later.
But according to Okabe, it is precisely because of that remake that this time around ‘Revelations 2’ won’t be on the 3DS – he points out that the release of ‘Revelations’ for the home consoles in 2013 was called the ‘Unveiled Edition’ in Japan, implying that the move from the 3DS was an improvement. Okabe continues by saying “That’s where our starting point for the sequel is in a sense, the versions that were already on home platforms.” In this way, it was the move from 3DS to home consoles for the original ‘Revelations’ that inspired ‘Revelations 2’ to skip the 3DS altogether.
‘Resident Evil Revelations 2’ has already been released episodically PS4, PS3, and PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The full version will be released on the PS3 and PS4 on February 24th in North America; on the 25th, the game will be released in Europe, as well as back in North America on the Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. All of this will be digital copies with a retail edition coming at a later date.
Okabe also stated that there are “no plans” for a Wii U release, and couldn’t comment on the PS Vita release as it is being handled directly by Sony.
Source: Digital Spy