Recently Brad Pitt (‘Fight Club’) sat down to talk about his latest film that was a hit at the Toronto Film Festival, ’12 Years a Slave’ While that’s great, we’re a bit more curious about the ‘World War Z‘ sequel.
There has been a lot of speculation as if to ‘World War Z’ would get a sequel. With the film being Brad Pitt’s highest grossing film so far, it would seem like a no brainer. Paramount already suggested that they were moving forward with a second installment and its director Marc Forester (‘Quantum of Solace’) would love to see a ‘World War Z’ trilogy.
Now we have a bit more confirmation directly out of the mouth of film’s star, Brad Pitt.
“We’re certainly talking about it, yes.”
So it’s being talked about. That’s a little vague, don’t you think? What exactly are they talking about? Well we do get a little light shined on that one statement:
“We have so many ideas on the table from the time we spent developing this thing and figuring out how the zombie worlds work, We gotta get the script right first to determine if we go further.”
So it looks like the idea is up on the drawing board and they are really just waiting for a script to see if they can move forward. Even his co-star Mireille Enos (‘The Killing’) who played his wife agreed that she’s 100% on board for the sequels depending on the script.
The script, which seems to be what everyone is waiting on, is truly the tricky part though. (Spoiler ahead) The film itself ended with Pitt’s character finding a work around to avoid being detected by the zombies. This work around would clearly make a war against the undead much easier and one has to ask how they would be able to play that into another 2 films?
Sure there is all of the cleanup that would have to be done, but the long term threat of zombies would slowly be eliminated as the main characters would become immune to zombie attacks. Short of having issues arise from other survivors (a standard in zombie novels and films yet not present in the ‘World War Z’ novel), it would seem a pretty short lived film concept.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how this one plays out.
Are you looking forward to another ‘World War Z’ film? Do you think they’ll have a solid enough idea to move forward or are we going to be seeing a sequel that doesn’t need to be made?
Source: Variety.