Though nothing is official, rumors are swirling that Zach Snyder and David Goyer are hoping to snag former James Bond, Timothy Dalton, to portray Alfred Pennyworth, Batman’s trusty butler. This marks a fresh take on the character, who has been depicted as more of a proper (and elderly) British butler in the past by Michael Cain, Michael Gough and Alan Napier and was voiced by Efrem Zimbalist Jr. on ‘Batman: The Animated Series.’ It appears the creators are taking a decidedly different take on the character, stepping away from the stuffy butler role and playing closer to the version used in the ‘Batman: Earth One’ graphic novel and the one that appears on ‘Beware The Batman!’
Alfred from ‘Batman: Earth One’ as designed by Gary Frank.This take recasts the character as a former British secret agent and war buddy of Thomas Wayne’s who becomes the Wayne family’s head of security, just before Thomas and Martha are killed. In ‘Beware The Batman!’, the Waynes are already dead and a similar tough-as-nails Alfred is helping Batman launch his crime-fighting career. Alfred’s history in the comics has fluctuated and been changed many times. His former military background has existed in the comics in the past, but most often he is described as coming from a long line of professional servants.
Now that the role of Batman has been filled by Ben Affleck, the creators are turning their attention to filling out the rest of the cast. Returning will be Henry Cavill as Superman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Lawrence Fishburn as Perry White and Diane Lane as Martha Kent. Bryan Cranston’s name has been attached to Lex Luthor, but Cranston himself shot down those reports earlier this week.
Fan speculation is running wild regarding this movie, so take the Dalton rumor with a grain of salt. But it could be fun to see a tougher, butt-kicking Alfred for a change! It would certainly make for a more exciting action figure.
What do you think? Would you like to see Timothy Dalton in this role? Comment below!
(Sources Cosmicbooknews, Blastr)