We all know that Disney has put many of the televised ‘Star Wars’ series on hold. With ‘The Clone Wars’ being over and Seth Green’s ‘Detours” being put on a long term pause, it looked as though there wouldn’t be any new televised ‘Star War’ series on the horizon.

However, there seems to be another project that was apparently in the works related to ‘Star Wars’ and it looks like some pages from the pilot script have managed to be leaked online. The animated series, called ‘Star Wars: Reclamation’ was supposedly greenlit back in January but then went on hold when Disney started the layoffs.

What we can presume from these leaked documents is that the show takes place roughly half way between the 30 years that will have passed between ‘Return of the Jedi’ and ‘Episode VII’. There is only one confirmed returning character in here from the original trilogy, though one of the mysterious characters may in fact be a certain Jedi that you’ll recall was clad in black at the end of ‘EpisodeVI’.

Now keep this in mind: the details in here aren’t set in stone, the series may not be being made and this may not be an actual lead in to ‘Episode VII’ so it’s really all conjecture at this point. However, if you want some possible spoilers on what to potentially expect for a new show and the films this may give you a few ideas on what direction things are heading.


So Imperials, Republic and a mysterious force. Possibly Luke Skywalker hanging about doing things. A real return of the Jedi as they have come out from hiding. No mention of other older characters (aside from Lando’s kid.) There is a lot they could run with here to do some successful story telling.. Honestly I think the idea of Leia having to deal with a cover up of who her father was would be a great ongoing story in it’s own right, with blackmail and all.

As excited as we can all get, there still is that possibility that these pages are a failed pitch or a complete hoax.

What do you think? Would you be interested in checking this show out? Does it seem plausible that this is what Disney’s Lucas Arts was going to be putting out in the near future? Without the mention of so many characters from the past do you think it’s a good transition between the trilogies?


Source: Bleeding Cool