Okay, maybe it’s not spoilers but it’s nice to know that Alex Kingston will officially return as Melody Pond/River Song in the episode featuring her parents’ final appearance in this season’s ‘Doctor Who.’
It’s been no secret that Amy and Rory Pond (played by Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill) will be departing this season. We know that their departure will involve the Weeping Angels and occur in New York during the 1940’s. “Amy & Rory will leave in a final encounter with the Weeping Angels in episode 5,” announced Moffat last month, “Not everyone gets out alive and I mean it this time.”
A casting call went out in New York for a photo double for Kingston with the added requirement that she must also be able to drive. So any scenes with River driving may not actually be Kingston behind the wheel but her double.
Matt Smith has said that the departure of the Ponds would be “incredible” and we would expect no less from Steven Moffat as he wrote the episode. It’s nice to know that River will also be involved in the pivotal episode but how much involvement will that be? Moffat is known to be a master of plot twists. Will she also be part of the Weeping Angels casualties? I guess we’ll have to wait until the fall to see.
The cast is currently in New York filming location shots for the Pond’s final episode. They did film part of the episode in Cardiff at the Cardiff School of Physics and Astronomy Building which doubled as a location in the US. Below are some photos and a video of what was filmed and Getty Images has some recent ones of the gang filming at Central Park.
I’m currently stocking up on Kleenex as I know that this will be an emotional episode (it just might be up there with 10’s and Rose’s goodbye in ‘Doomsday’). And just like the 10th Doctor meeting his future companion during Christmas after losing Rose, the 11th Doctor will be meeting his next companion, Jenna Louise Coleman, this Christmas after the Pond’s final episode airs.
So what do you think of the development of this episode so far? Are you happy to see Kingston return as River?
Source: Doctor Who TV
‘Doctor Who’ Episode 5 Behind the Scenes Photos and Video:
(photos courtesy of Alun Vega)