It seems like the vampire-romance fad that began with ‘Twilight’ isn’t over yet. At least this time around, we may actually get a decent film out of it. Director Jim Jarmusch who directed ‘Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai’ and ‘Dead Man’ with Johnny Depp is on board to make his own vampire film starring John Hurt (‘Hellboy’) and Tilda Swinton (‘The Chronicles of Narnia’).
The film titled ‘Only Lovers Left Alive’ is stepping away from the human-dates-a-supernatural-creature formula of many of the ‘Twilight’ clones. Instead, the film stars Hurt and Swinton as two vampire lovers and is described as “an unusual love story between two vampires who have been in love for centuries”. With that story and the two Oscar winners (Hurt and Swinton) starring, you may actually get me interested in vampire romance for a change.
Joining Hurt and Swinton are Tom Hiddleston, best known to genre fans as Loki in ‘Thor’ and the upcoming ‘Avengers’, and Mia Wasikowska who played Alice in Tim Burton’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’.
‘Only Lovers Left Alive’ has raised a production budget of $1.45 million so far and will begin shooting in Germany later this year.