Set in Moscow, ‘The Darkest Hour’ centers on five young people trying to survive a mysterious alien attack. The sci-fi horror thriller stars Emile Hirsch as Sean, Olivia Thirlby as Natalie, Max Minghella as Ben, Rachael Taylor as Anne, and Joel Kinnaman as Skyler. The film is the second film directed by Chris Gorak. Writing credits include ‘Prometheus’ writer Jon Spaihts for the screenplay and Spaihts, Leslie Bohem, and M.T. Ahern for the story.
‘The Darkest Hour’ is about an alien species who invades Earth by attacking our power supply. After our power is gone, their next goal is to eradicate all life from the planet. The film promises lots of action and stunning visuals as we follow the five during their struggle to survive the invasion. The threat is terrifying because the aliens cannot be seen, and the aliens can shred a body apart, disintegrating organic matter in seconds.
The film opens in the United States on Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25th. ‘The Darkest Hour’ is available in 2D and 3D, is rated PG-13, and has a running time of 89 minutes.
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