Last year’s new ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ film, produced by Michael Bay may not have been the hugest hit of the fall, but it made enough of a profit that a sequel is now shooting, with one notable addition to the established cast– Stephen Amell as the hockey mask-wearing vigilante Casey Jones, a cult favorite character that many were upset was omitted from the first film.

Although the first film was pretty much universally slammed, there is still fan interest in the sequel.  Several Turtle fans have managed to snap photos and video footage from the set and posted them online for other fans.

The footage is from a distance and of course, with editing, may not even wind up being used, but it at least gives you an idea of what to expect.  Check out some videos and a photo below:

Casey Jones rescues April:

Stephen Amell as Casey Jones (photo):

#teenagemutantninjaturtles2 #stephenamell @amelladventures

A photo posted by unidonkeycorn (@unidonkeycorn) on

April fleeing a Foot Soldier:

Run Megan Fox, run away from that ninja! #tmnt2 #nyc #meganfox #stephenamell #nycstreets A video posted by @les_yeux_ on

April undercover as a school girl:

#meganfox #tmnt2 #tommybootlegger #behindthescenes #tdavision

A video posted by t_da_gun (@t_da_gun) on

Does this make you more excited to see the second ‘TMNT’ movie?  With a new director– Dave Green (Earth To Echo) who replaces Jonathan Liebesman– the new film could have a completely different feel and it wouldn’t be the first time a sequel proved better than its predecessor.

Are you anxious to see a second ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ movie?  The movie moves from a fall release to the heat of summer blockbuster season, opening on June 3rd, 2016.
