In stunning news this morning, sources have informed us that ‘Star Wars’ director (and former ‘Star Trek’ director) J.J. Abrams will be announcing that Disney and Paramount are planning a cross-over between the two mega-franchises in 2017, just in time to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of ‘Star Wars.’ He says that the studios have tapped Abrams to direct, as he has loyalty and ties to both franchises, leaving it unsaid that if not for his personally directing the endeavor, it most likely would not be happening.

It certainly explains why J.J. Abrams opted out of directing ‘Star Wars Episode VIII,’ as the cross-over has been in the works for some time. Few story points have been discussed (understandably), though it was hinted that Abrams is planning that another wormhole would play a major factor in the story line, and that Spock and Luke Skywalker had much to learn from one-another, meaning that Mark Hamill would clearly have a role to play in the cross-over.

The big news will spur a lot of controversy amongst fans, who have often been divided into two camps, ‘Star Wars’ fan or ‘Star Trek’ fan. The merging of the two universes has huge ramifications for both franchises, as the filmmakers are essentially introducing the Force into the Trek universe, which for the most part has been devoid of super-human powers, and introducing Earth and our history to the ‘Star Wars’ universe, which, according to the opening, should be taking place “a long time ago…,” meaning that they will have to explain how ‘Star Trek,’ which supposedly takes place in the future of our species, is able to cross over with ‘Star Wars,’ which we are told happened long ago.

Regardless, it is an exciting time to be a fan, and with J.J. Abrams at the helm, the film is sure to be entertaining at the very least. There has been no official confirmation of any of the cast, aside from Abrams mentioning Hamill, so stayed tuned for more news on this exciting prospect.

What are your thoughts on the big news? Let us know in the comments below!