There have been a lot of rumors coming out about ‘Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice’ and the most recent one puts LexCorp front and center. While the newest rumor might not be as exciting as say Emily Blunt joining the cast or Comissionr Gordon making an appearance or word that The Joker could show up, it does give us an idea on why Jesse Eisenberg may really have been choosen for the role.
According to sources, LexCorp will be a young and edgy company that most likely deals with technology much like Google. Their headquarters is going to be a cool looking company that also has amazing amenities for their employees which causes them to be extremely loyal. So if Lex is running a company similar to Google or say Facebook, I could see why they chose the young Eisenberg here. Is anyone else imagining Lex Zuckerberg Luthor hanging around in a hoodie through part of the film being socially awkward?
So if early rumors that he grew up on the streets and turned from gang member to billionaire businessman with a tech company are correct, it could explain why he is so cutthroat in general. We have no idea if Lex will be the traditionally bald character we’ve come to know and love as Eisenberg has stated that he’s “not allowed to say anything, because of their privacy.” So I’m curious as to maybe this could lead into the building of why Lex hates Superman in the movies?
Not part of the rumor but I’m throwing it out there but maybe LexCorp was wrecked during ‘Man of Steel or will be in this film and that’s how he goes from hairy to bald and suddenly wants to take down Superman with a vengeance.
Are you interested in the take of what LexCorp might be like? Do you think that could at all be attributed to why Jesse was cast in the first place? Share your thoughts below!
Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice is scheduled for May 6th, 2016.
Source: Screen Rant