FX has released a fourth teaser for ‘American Horror Story: Asylum’ and it follows its predecessors by being as creepy and mysterious as the other three.

This teaser is called ‘White Rose’ and the caption from the TV show’s Facebook page reads, “Roses are white, the violence is new, and here is the latest hint for you …” What looks like a white rose twirling suddenly becomes a screaming woman in a straightjacket.

But what does it all mean? What are these teasers hinting at? Are they part of scenes that will be featured in the series? Or maybe these disturbing promos are part of the new opening credits?

Whatever the case, as creator Ryan Murphy has said about this season, it all has to do with insanity which these teasers are destined to drive me to until it’s revealed what it all means.

If you have an idea what they are hinting about, do share!

‘American Horror Story: Asylum’ – ‘White Rose’ Teaser: