In fall of 2015, 20th Century Fox announced plans to tie into its hit ‘X-Men’ film franchise with TV shows on its two…
It’s been known for a while now that Fox was planning on producing not one but two television series set in the ‘X-Men’…
Bryan Singer is certainly no stranger to the X-Men cinematic universe, having directed and co-written ‘X-Men,’ ‘X2,’ ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past,’ and the…
Things appear to be advancing quite well for FX’s ‘Legion’ based on the comic book character David Haller, the illegitimate son of Professor…
While FX has ordered a series based on ‘X-Men’ character Legion, FOX is developing another new series based on Marvel Comics’ mutant universe. …
After the events of the Season Two finale of ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,‘ we learned that Clark Gregg’s Director Phil Coulson would be assembling a new…