Disney’s 1994 animated series ‘Gargoyles’ will officially be appearing on Disney+. The 90’s cult classic cartoon co-created by Greg Weisman, who is also the co-creator of ‘Young Justice,’ was expected by some fans when the official twitter page of Disney+ began listing shows available to stream during the international test run of the streaming service. There was, however, some concern about whether it will stream in North America due to the domestic streaming rights. It was established as confirmed when Disney+ tweeted that ‘Gargoyles’ will be among the shows appearing on the streaming platform when it launches on November 12th.
‘Gargoyles’ ran for 3 seasons from 1994 through 1997 for a total of 78 episodes. The Walt Disney Television produced series features a group of nocturnal creatures that turn to stone during the daytime in Scotland known as gargoyles. After a 1000 year slumber, the gargoyles are awakened and must adjust to life in modern New York City, becoming guardians of the new home as they had done a millennia before. Known for melodrama, Shakespearean themes, dark tones, and complex story arcs, ‘Gargoyles’ gained a cult following.
The show’s main voice cast consisted of Thom Adcox-Hernandez, Ed Asner, Bridgitte Bako, Jeff Bennett, Keith David, Bill Fagerbakke, Jonathan Frakes, Salli Richardson, Marina Sirtis, and Frank Welker. Earlier this year, Keith David, the voice of Goliath, said he’d love to return to voice his character if Disney decided to revive the show. While only the original episodes of ‘Gargoyles‘ will appear on Disney+, David said to ComicBook.com:
“You know, those of us who were involved from the beginning… I’ve always wondered why they stopped it in the first place. [We’ve wondered] why we haven’t come back to a reboot. I mean, I would love nothing more than to revisit Goliath. You know, he was absolutely one of my very, very, very, very favorite characters. I’ve always maintained that when I grow up, I want to be like Goliath.”
I, like many other fans, am so excited that Disney+ will be streaming ‘Gargoyles’ on November 12th! For the true fans: comment on your favorite episode or moment from the show!