Bill Murray has made quite a reputation for being unpredictable and eccentric, so is it no surprise he’s hard to reach, even when two movie offers are waiting for him? According to Deadline, Sony Pictures has asked Bill Murray at the beginning of the year to star in ‘Ghostbusters 3’ – in fact, they build the sequel around him specifically – and Murray has yet to respond.
He’s extremely hard to pin down, and the truth of the matter is that Sony Pictures doesn’t want to start production on a $150 million film when they’re not sure they have Murray for the role. And the cold hard fact is that no one has Murray until he actually shows up for work. But there’s yet another production company that’s courting the Ghostbuster. Focus Features wants Bill Murray for the role of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the movie ‘Hyde Park on the Hudson,’ but the actor has yet to respond to this offer as well.
While he’s hard to reach, he’s not a hermit. Bill Murray can be found out and about on golf courses, and even admitted to Howard Stern as a guest on his show that he never even read the ‘Ghostbusters 3’ script. Does this mean the show will go on without Peter Venkman? How could it? No, chances are if Murray says no – or even nothing at all – ‘Ghostbusters 3’ will be scrapped.
I’m not even sure ‘Ghostbusters 3’ is a good idea anyway. Yes, it was a hit movie in the 80s, but that was eons ago (or at least feels like it). It’s possible the public has moved beyond chasing ghosts in the Big Apple. And anyway, do we want to see a bunch of senior citizens running around with proton packs on anyway? They’re great actors, but I personally believe that the ‘Ghostbusters’ series has been exhausted. Maybe no news from Bill Murray is good news after all.