Despite the fact that the majority of X-Force was killed during their first mission in ‘Deadpool 2’, the actor that portrayed the sword-slinging…
UPDATE: Looks like the sources were wrong as writer Rhett Reese took to Twitter to refute the rumor. Again, wrong. — Rhett…
For about two years now, we’ve been hearing that ‘Kick-Ass 2’ director Jeff Wadlow was developing ‘X-Force’. Based on the classic X-team from…
20th Century Fox has been scoring big with its ‘X-Men’ franchise, so it’s no wonder they are seeking to expand, what with the…
Here we are yet again on this fateful day, the one day every week where brings you all the toy news you…
X-Factor is always a bit off of the mainstream of mutant-kind that get mixed up in a lot of weird problems and the…