SPOILER ALERT: Nothing but SPOILERS below, so turn back or proceed with caution. We knew that J.J. Abrams was going to squeeze a…

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Come one, come all, for an all new Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on ScienceFiction.com where we seek…
While he’s been talking about his involvement for about a year now, Mark Hamill was officially confirmed as part of the ‘Star Wars:…
We’ve known for quite some time now that after Disney acquired Lucasfilm, the future of animation in a galaxy far, far away lies…
Every time I watch the ‘Star Wars’ prequels, I do a good amount of disapproving head shaking. My friends and I discuss at…
Last week’s episode of ‘The Graham Norton Show’ was enough to give any sci-fi geek a nerdgasm (okay, maybe just me) when Liam…
The events of ‘Star Wars Jedi: The Dark Side’ #1 take place 53 years before Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and the Rebel Alliance…