Long, long, ago, in the dark ages before streaming video, mobile phones, and realistic CG, there was a time when we had to…
‘Doctor Who’ is a series that has a long history of dabbling with the horror genre. Whether it’s for a single episode…
For those of you who have seen Colin Baker at a convention, you’ve probably heard the “But I’ve never regenerated” story. His joking…
For me, the , written and directed by Peter Davison (the Fifth Doctor) was everything I really wanted out of the 50th anniversary.…
Today marks the 30th anniversary of the ‘Doctor Who’ episode ‘The Five Doctors’, a special episode commemorating the 20th anniversary of the ‘Doctor…
In just 3 days, ‘The Day of the Doctor’ will air around the world and while the big casting news in the past…
The news is in! Peter Capaldi will be playing the 12th Doctor, and I for one am very pleased with the choice. Capaldi…
Do you ever wonder what if the Doctor exists and walks among us? That ‘Torchwood’ is real and the television show ‘Doctor Who’…
One of the best things about going to conventions, besides being able to interview the celebrity guests, is to attend panels featuring some…
Ever since the announcement of the return of David Tennant as the 10th Doctor, many Whovians have been wondering if they’ll be seeing…
A new generation of fans has enjoyed the exploits of the Doctor since the reboot of the show in 2005. We all know…