“The possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately three thousand seven hundred and twenty to one” but it now sounds like the odds of George Lucas winning an Oscar might have even been worse than that. At least, that is the latest word coming from “Star Wars” actor Anthony Daniels who has played C-3PO throughout the franchise. As the creator of one of the most influential franchises in science fiction, you think Lucas would have won something by now. However, “Star Wars” has never done well at the awards ceremonies, especially the Oscars.
The films are usually nominated and can win for both visual effects and score, but don’t get much love in any of the other categories.
RELATED: Anthony Daniels Calls Out George Lucas Being Snubbed By The Oscars
According to Daniels:
“The Academy can be very snobbish and almost obviously. And George is not a Hollywood person – ‘If you don’t like our gang we’re not going to have you in our gang,’ sort of thing. Really pisses me off that I don’t think George ever won an Oscar for himself, just departments – special effects and all that kind of thing. George deserves more than that.”
While it is easy to say that “Star Wars” much like the superhero and streaming films of today just isn’t the type of film that The Academy looks to honor, it is hard to ignore the cultural impact that it has had across generations of moviegoers and filmmakers alike.
Expectations range from high to mixed for ‘Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker’, which is set to end the franchise that Lucas started “in a galaxy far, far away.” However, we know that Lucas was disappointed in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ so we’re unsure if he supports the direction the franchise has taken. Not everyone has loved what Disney has done to “Star Wars” and even Simon Pegg thinks the vision Lucas is had is what is missing from the movies.
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This view could further prove both the cinematic and cultural impact that Lucas has had on film that has been ignored. On the flip side, we also know that Jar Jar Binks was the iconic creator’s favorite character from “Star Wars.”
Do you feel that the Academy has snubbed George Lucas and “Star Wars” or were they just not the best films in the years they were released? Should George Lucas be given an Academy Honorary Award for his achievements with the franchise? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Source: The Sun