“Be careful of the Murdock boys…they got the devil in them.”
Back in 2015, comic book fans (and those perusing for just good, solid television drama) discovered that the small screen, despite the limited budgets, could rival the MCU with memorable characters, dramatic storytelling, and a gritty action generally savored for more ‘grounded’ fiction. ‘Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (AoS )’ had premiered two years beforehand but despite some cool moments and an initially stronger link to the cinematic universe, the show never generated the buzz befitting a Marvel property.
Enter the devil of Hell’s Kitchen.
When the show was first announced, the inevitable thought of many was the generally panned movie of the same name that starred Ben Affleck as the titular character. To say those memories were tainted by the critical pounding the movie took (and the previously mentioned struggle of ‘AoS‘) and a virtual unknown in Charlie Cox cast as the lead, many were skeptical. Sure, the trailers to the series generated some buzz but trailers can be deceiving. So comic fans waited with bated breath for April 10th to roll around and, well, the rest is history.
Fast forward to 2018 and we’ve had the pleasure of a second season of ‘Daredevil’ which is arguably better than Season One, in addition to his major role in The Defenders ensemble piece. Considering that the Season Three premiere is just days away, it’s a perfect time for a rewind into ‘Daredevil’’s Netflix appearances.
A friendly reminder that:
1) Major spoilers abound and
2) considering the thirty-plus hours we’re trying to condense in a couple pages, quite a few plot points—especially those with Matt Murdock not in the center of things—won’t be included.
So let’s get started!