The reluctant superhero is back for another season on Netflix! While Marvel’s big movies seem to be getting all the hype lately, Netflix has dropped the trailer for Season 2 of ‘Jessica Jones’ showing that not all great superhero stories need to be seen in theaters.
It’s not easy being a superhero – especially one whose entire family was killed in a car accident, was horrifically experimented on, developed super strength because of it, and had a psycho dominate her through mind control. Despite last season’s glorious defeat of her tormentor Kilgrave, an alliance with other fellow vigilantes in ‘The Defenders,’ and some new-found fame, Jessica Jones is still spiraling out of control and no amount of drinking is slowing her downward path. To help her, Trish suggests that maybe finding out what happened to Jessica all those years ago might help her. Not only that, it seems that Trish is also suggesting Jessica have a sidekick (anyone else screaming at the possibility of seeing Hellcat alongside Jessica?).
Along with her journey to self-discovery, Jessica also has to deal with a super-powered killer. There was, at one point, rumored that the Season 2 big bad would be Typhoid Mary but it looks like we won’t be getting that answer right now. What we do know is that David Tennant will be back as Kilgrave in some capacity. Tennant gave a mind-blowing rendition of The Purple Man last season so knowing the character will return has us wondering how Kilgrave will still influence Jessica beyond the grave.
The trailer is everything we expect a ‘Jessica Jones’ trailer to be right down to the drama, the music, and mic drop quips (like when a rival detective agency wants to buy out Alias Investigations and “won’t take no for an answer” to which Jessica scathingly replies, “How rapey of you.”).
You won’t have to worry about this show suffering a sophomore slump. The new season looks to deliver and deliver hard! Watch the trailer below and let us know what you think!
‘Jessica Jones’ will return to Netflix on March 8, 2018, for a 13 episode run.