Doug Liman is one of the directors who has abandoned the DCEU’s take on ‘Justice League Dark‘ though lately has shown signs of being willing to return to the film. While ‘Edge of Tomorrow 2‘ is likely the next movie that he’ll be working on, he does have openings in his schedule after that film as he had left Fox’s production of ‘Gambit‘ as well. While a scheduling nightmare was the initial reason given, it sounds like a lack of creative freedom on the movie was one of the key factors as to why he departed. This control over the film may have changed in the recent Warner Brothers shakeup of how the DCEU is being run. Thanks to ‘Justice League’ flopping at the box office (adding to another miss for the DCEU), it sounds like there is a bit more freedom to be had these days.
In fact, it’s not only ‘Justice League Dark’ that Liman would consider but any other DC movie as well:
“I would be open to it. I have a very kind of contrarian approach to how I make things and I don’t want to do them the way other people have done them. You know, Impulse is an original take on superpower as you can imagine and still be satisfying. Because obviously there’s some things – you can be original and artsy and not… Part of the reason cliches exist is because they’re satisfying to the audience so my challenge as a filmmaker has always been to do something that’s really original and still totally satisfying on a big commercial level, which I feel we’ve done with Impulse and I’d be really interested in doing that within the DC world if the right piece of material comes along.”
Fans of Liman’s work love it when he has creative control but the movies aren’t for everyone and the DCEU previously sounded like everything needed full studio approval. With Walter Hamada now running things, there might be a bit more room for Liman to create the movie that he’d want to give us.
Would you like to see Doug Liman direct ‘Justice League Dark’ or any of the other slated DCEU films? Share your thoughts below!
Source: Screen Rant