YA Genre actress Penelope Mitchell (‘Hemlock Grove’,’The Vampire Diaries’) has just joined the ‘Hellboy‘ reboot as a key character. This is a move in the right direction for the film who just lost one of its other key cast members when Ed Skrein (‘Deadpool’) departed from tackling the role of Major Ben Daimio as to not whitewash the character. At this time she’ll be joining David Harbour’s (‘Stranger Things’) Hellboy, Iam McShane’s (‘American Gods’) Professor Broom, and Milla Jovovich (”Underworld’) who is tackling Nimue, the Blood Queen.

Jovovich’s character draws Mitchell into the film as Ganeida, an elder witch that turns against the Blood Queen. Likely, Ganeida will be on the outs with Hellboy and whoever is helping him in the at the start of the movie. If they knew she was, at one point, on the Blood Queen’s side they would lose trust in her later when they find out. However, it sounds like they’ll need all the help they get so her aid will be very welcome, even if not as something that is easy to accept.

For fans of the comics, you will want to reach back to 2011 and read ‘Hellboy: The Fury’ where Ganeida had a similar role. This could be a hint that the direction the films will be telling in a trilogy that ends with the death of Hellboy. We already know that Sasha Lane is likely to play the part of Alice who is directly involved in the story arc that leads to his demise. While that is just conjecture, they do seem to be including the characters that lead up to that event here.

Will Penelope Mitchell be able to hold her own against Milla Jovovich on screen? How likely are Hellboy and any of his friends from the B.P.R.D. to trust her at the outset of the film?
Share your thoughts below!

Sources: Screen Rant and Deadline.