It may have taken two-and-a-half decades, but after all that waiting Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell have finally managed to bring back Ash Williams! In their hit show ‘Ash vs The Evil Dead‘, our titular hero takes on the threat of our titular villain in order to save the world! Season One hit last year to rousing success, and now Ash and the gang are back for Season Two! This season is going to be jam packed with more Deadites, more violence, and of course, a lot more Ash! We’re even going to get to meet Ash’s father, as played by the legendary Lee Majors! It’s shaping up to be a hell of a second season, so we sat down to talk to Ash himself, Bruce Campbell, at New York Comic Con 2016! Here are some of Bruce’s thoughts on the upcoming season:
“Well, you’re fleshing out Ash’s home life, you’re meeting his family, you’re meeting his old friend, his old girlfriend, his father, and I think that as a story element it’s great! I like that fact that they don’t get along and have a crappy relationship, as they probably would! And I love the fact that you find out from Lee Majors where Ash got a lot of his bad habits and behavior. It’s his fault! He started all the quotes, “looking sweet, looking good, uh-huhh”!
On how much he relates to Ash as a person:
“Do I relate to Ash? Sure, on my worst day! Every character is you in your worst or best moment. Brightest, smartest, dumbest. That’s what is fun about Ash, he’s a normal guy! That’s what I like about him. All of these other fucking heroes are all superheroes running around in spandex, dressing up like bats, I can’t relate to that! I can’t relate to a guy who is a billionaire and dresses up like a bat. I don’t give a shit about that, I don’t! And god bless Ben Affleck! I hope he has a long and fruitful career, and he will, because that movie made a billion dollars, so what do I know? But do I want to play that guy? Nah, I’d way rather play Ash for four more seasons.”
“Well his best moments are saving the day, and his worst moments are every other part of the day. He’s a troubled hero, I think it’s great. I don’t know, Ash doesn’t have a best or worst, we aren’t done yet! It’s an ongoing story! There’s no one best one-liner yet, no one best kill, there’s no best anything! The show’s not done, and when it’s off the air we can decide that. Then you will decide which is the best kill or best line, it isn’t for us to decide! I say every line like it’s my last, that’s my job.”
“Are there political undertones? Only if you inject it. You can pull out whatever you’d like. Sure, it parallels the 2016 elections in every way. Every horrifying way. The funny thing is, politics are the only thing scarier than a horror movie! I’ll say that. We wouldn’t touch politics, it’s too terrifying! You couldn’t get a rating! unrated because of how bad the behavior is. You think a Deadite is badly behaved? Listen to a politician.”
“I like the comedy, I’ll tolerate the horror. But I’m there for the comedy. Horror is great, it’s one of the classic genres that will never go away! It’s as valid as any other genre. But I wasn’t raised on it, I went to Westerns. my mom loved westerns, so I saw old man John Wayne movie there was starting about the mid-60’s. That’s my genre, it’s westerns?”
“It’s unconventional. What show is like it on the air? Seriously, you’ve got ‘Stan Against Evil’ coming, and never underestimate John C. McGinley because he’s a formidable actor and I wish him well! I hope there’s room for us both. But there isn’t anything like us on TV. It’s not a procedural, it’s not a cop show, doctor show, or lawyer show, and I would never want to do any one of those. I’d never want to be stuck on any of those. ‘Burn Notice’ was a spy show, but it wasn’t any one of those shows.”
“He’s grown like that much *holds up his fingers spread a quarter inch apart*. Maybe like… the depth of another layer of skin. And that’s enough. He’s got time. In a heroic setting you have to be willing to follow the hero wherever they go. You have to like him enough! So that’s what we are doing, we are trying to add more dimension to him so people can see he’s not just a wise cracker, there is more to it.”
Jordan is a Toy Columnist & Staff Writer here at ScienceFiction! Journalist, Musician, Toy Collector, and Overall Awesome Guy! For more on Jordan’s thoughts, toys, and wacky adventures, be sure to follow him on Twitter and Instagram.