As soon as I saw that they were previewing the ‘Justice League VS Teen Titans’ animated movie at WonderCon this year, I knew I had to attend. Throw in the fact that the film was being screened at the Microsoft Theater, and I knew it was going to be amazing. The DC animated movies (which followed the amazing DC Animated Universe shows which included ‘Batman: The Animated Series’ and the ‘Justice League’ series) are basically among the best things that Warner Bros is putting out with their DC content (aside from their television shows), as clearly they cannot seem to figure out how to put out a decent live action movie (*cough*BvS*cough*).
Plus, this movie is the first time the company is using the Teen Titans in a more adult and mature animated setting, as they are usually used in content aimed more for a younger audience, such as the ‘Teen Titans Go’ series that ran on the Cartoon Network. It was fantastic seeing the team animated in the style of the last few DC animated movies, and standing alongside the Justice League members.
As for the film itself, it was pretty great, almost feeling like a sequel to the recent ‘Son of the Batman’ movie as the Robin in the film is Damien Wayne, and the film centers around him being introduced to the Titans as their newest team member, as Batman and Nightwing feel Damien needs to learn how to be a part of a team and work together with others. The Titans team consisted of Starfire (the leader, more grown up than the rest, as shown by the, ahem, more adult nature of some of her animation), Beast Boy, Raven and the Blue Beetle. The Justice League members featured in the film were of course Superman, Batman, The Flash and Wonder Woman, as well as Cyborg, which was kind of a strange choice because of how often he is associated with the Teen Titans in the comics instead of the Justice League (which was somewhat rectified at the end of the movie, as it showed that Cyborg enjoyed hanging out with the Titans way more than his League teammates).
All in all, I would recommend the film to anyone interested in the DC Animated movies, and definitely to anyone not wanting to waste their time/money going to see ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’ in theaters. Even though its just an animated movie, I walked out far more entertained that I did walking out of ‘Batman V Superman.’
Nick is a freelance writer based in Los Angeles, who belongs to the privileged few who enjoyed the ending to ‘Lost.’ For more of Nick’s thoughts and articles, follow him on Twitter (@starfro67)