‘Wonder Woman’ won’t twirl into theaters until next year. In the meantime, Chris Pine is busy promoting his next feature ‘The Finest Hours’ (and he has a little flick coming out this summer called ‘Star Trek Beyond’!) but he can’t dodge questions about his role as Steve Trevor in 2017’s super hero epic.
He was quick to express his enthusiasm for both the movie ‘Wonder Woman’ and the title star Gal Gadot:
“Gal Gadot is beautiful, so talented, strong and the story is really one I think that needs to be out there. The simple fact of the matter is it’s about a woman who’s so strong with such physical ability that she could kick such ass but really at the end of the day leads with an incredible amount of compassion and love and hope for humanity and I think we need a lot of that right now.”
We just learned that Connie Nielsen has landed the role of Queen Hippolyta, Wonder Woman’s mother and the ruler of the Amazons. This role was highly speculated about, with some guessing that Nicole Kidman was in talks for it and later, Robin Wright. But for lifelong fans, there was one person that would simply have been a dream come true in that part: the original live action Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter.
If she can’t play Hippolyta, can fans expect maybe some other appearance by Ms. Carter, at least a cameo?
This question was presented to Pine, but he zipped his lips, stating only “If I could tell you that I wouldn’t, but I can’t.”
So while he technically says nothing, he says a LOT. Why would he be forbidden for saying something if there were nothing to keep secret?
So no, Carter may not be playing Hippolyta, but expect to see her in some capacity in the new movie.
Are you excited about a possible Lynda Carter cameo in ‘Wonder Woman’?
‘Wonder Woman’ directed by Patty Jenkins, stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen, Danny Huston, David Thewlis, Ewen Bremner, Saïd Taghmaoui, Elena Anaya and Lucy Davis. It will be released on June 23, 2017.
Before that, Pine can be seen in ‘The Finest Hours’ opening on January 29, 2016 and later in ‘Star Trek Beyond’ which opens on July 22, 2017.
Source: Comic Book Movie