Activision has announced the first batch of song tracks available for their upcoming music video game reboot ‘Guitar Hero Live,’ featuring bands and musicians like The Rolling Stones, Fall Out Boy, and Skrillex.
‘Guitar Hero Live’ promises that “hundreds of songs will be playable on Day One; spanning multiple genres, from classic rock to metal to indie and more,” but for now they’ve just got these 24 songs announced, giving a taste of more to come:
“Guerrilla Radio” – Rage Against the Machine
“In The End” – Black Veil Brides
“Breaking the Law” – Judas Priest
“Cowboys From Hell” – Pantera
“Bitter Rivals” – Sleigh Bells
“Chop Suey!” – System of a Down
“Left Hand Free” – Alt-J
“Higher Ground” – Red Hot Chili Peppers
“Cry of Achilles” – Alter Bridge
“Going to Hell” – The Pretty Reckless
“Leave it Alone” – Broken Bells
“Gold on the Ceiling” – The Black Keys
“Sometimes” – Blitz Kids
“Sing” – Ed Sheeran
“My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark” – Fall Out Boy
“Don’t Owe You a Thang” – Gary Clark Jr.
“Nuclear Family” – Green Day
“When You Were Young” – The Killers
“Ho Hey” – The Lumineers
“Na Na Na” – My Chemical Romance
“King for a Day feat. Kellin Quinn” – Pierce the Veil
“Paint it Black” – The Rolling Stone
“Bangarang” – Skrillex
“Under The Pressure” – The War on Drugs
Activision plans to announce a new batch of songs to their tracklist every week leading up to the game’s release under their hashtag “#TrackListTuesday.” You can keep up to date on what songs have been announced on their artist page, where you can also find out more details about the upcoming title, such as their remodeled guitar controller.
‘Guitar Hero Live’ will be available in the Fall of 2015 on the Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, and Wii-U, so as long as you have a relatively new console you should be able to play it.