Marvel has officially confirmed ‘Doctor Strange’ for phase 3 of their movie universe, with Scott Derrickson (‘Deliver Us From Evil’, ‘Sinister‘, ‘The Day The Earth Stood Still’) attached to direct with an October 2nd, 2016 release date. It was rumored that the film will break from tradition and not be an origin, so… what will it be about?
Though it’s still a ways off, it looks like Derrickson has selected a particular story from the character’s lengthy history to take his inspiration. Derrickson also wrote or co-wrote most of the films he’s directed, so it’s quite possible that he will pen the script to ‘Doctor Strange’ as well.
Below is a tweet he sent earlier:
— Scott Derrickson (@scottderrickson) November 3, 2014
The moody, atmospheric image is quite lovely, but beyond that, the painted image by Dan Green is taken from the 1986 graphic novel ‘Doctor Strange: Into Shamballa’ written by J.M. DeMatteis.
Here is one description of the novel’s plot:
The story begins with Strange visiting the home of the Ancient One twenty years after the sorcerer taught him in the ways of magic. Discovering an artifact that has been left as a gift for him, he brings it back home for study – and winds up opening communication with beings of a higher reality known as the Lords of Shamballa. An opportunity is introduced that would allow humanity to reach another level and enter a golden age, but, of course, an enormous sacrifice would have to be made in order for it to happen.
‘Into Shamballa’ is considered one of the finest ‘Doctor Strange’ stories and should be a perfect inspiration. And while it isn’t a true origin story, it allows for details from the character’s past to be revealed through flashbacks, which is important as Doctor Strange isn’t as famous as most of the characters that have gotten solo movies so far. It was revealed in ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier‘ that the world is already aware of the existence of Stephen Strange so clearly he’s already an active force in this world.
What do you think? Should Marvel stick with an origin so newcomers aren’t completely confused by the film? Or are you tired of that format? Will ‘Into Shamballa’ serve as a good inspiration? Or are there other stories/runs that you think are more important?
Source: Cinema Blend