Each Captain America movie has had a major impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it looks as if ‘Captain America 3‘ will continue that tradition. The first film introduced us to the Tessaract which would later end up being one of the Infinity Stones and ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier‘ gave us the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., so one has to wonder what the third film will give us. Director Joe Russo recently promised that we will have the title of the third film shortly and it may even give us a hint at what is to come.
According to Russo, “If you’ve been talking to [Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige], the title has been in place probably for ten years in his brain. It’s all part of the road map that he’s laid out, and it’s all part of the bigger plan.”
Ten years is quite a bit of time and if it has such an impact on the road map of Marvel it might just give us a hint at things to come. What about the twist though? Well, Russo, of course, doesn’t go into specifics but he did hint that “the big thing we knew we had to deal with in Cap 2 was the fall of Hydra. Similarly there is a very, very big idea at the center of Cap 3.” In fact, it is such a big idea that it “alters the universe as a whole in some way.”
On the one hand you can wonder if this will be the death of Steve Rogers and the rise of Bucky Barnes as Captain America which many are surmising from Sebastian Stan’s multi-picture deal at a time when Chris Evans’ contract is closing in at an end. While that could be the case, it seems that we’d more likely lose him in ‘The Avengers 3’ as while the big change is happening here, it won’t change what they want to do with the movie because as Russo reaffirms, “As far as villain and story arc and tone, all that stuff is left up to us.” While Rogers death would be a big change in the status quo, I suspect from that last statement we’ll be seeing another big change entirely.
What do you think the next big change will bring us? Will this be the end of Captain America? Will it be a cut scene that brings Thanos closer into attacking the Earth? Possibly more changes to S.H.I.E.L.D. or the rise of H.A.M.M.E.R. under a villain that isn’t Osborn? An introduction to The Inhumans or another set of heroes? Share your thoughts below!
‘Captain America 3’ will be in theaters on May 6th, 2016.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter