It may not be the exact trailer that Whovians have been waiting for, but it is the first real indication that the celebrations for the 5oth anniversary for the show ‘Doctor Who’ has begun! BBC has released this very special trailer celebrating the last 50 years of the beloved series featuring the iconic Time Lord.
Granted, the trailer has no footage from the actual 50th anniversary special, ‘Day of the Doctor’, but it still manages to bring the excitement of the series considering the long drought of no real news and no new episodes.
The trailer below shows all the Doctors as they first appeared on the small screen including the very first Doctor, William Hartell, in high res color for the very first time! The addition of the Daleks with the voice over by Matt Smith, the current Doctor, increases the excitement even more for the special starring him, David Tennant and John Hurt.
Check it out below and start gathering for the biggest party in the Whoniverse (nay, the whole world as the special will be simulcast at the same time around the globe!) on November 23rd !