It was announced months ago, that The Flash (Barry Allen) would not only be appearing in several episodes of ‘Arrow’ this season, but the character would also possibly spin off into his own show. (Presumably based on reaction to his ‘Arrow’ episodes.) But since then, there has been a steady stream of ‘Arrow’ casting news, but no word at all on this, the biggest guest role.
But the wait might be over, as rumor has it, it’s down to three actors.
Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg last week said:
“We’ll have to have somebody by Sept. 30, which is when we start shooting [his first] episode. So there is that timeline,” he says. “But it’s been a really exciting process just getting to meet so many fantastic actors and seeing the enthusiasm that so many people around town have for the character. It’s just amazing — I have pictures of myself at age 4 holding a Flash and a Superman doll. That I’m sitting here writing the Flash and Green Arrow now, it’s more than my little nerd heart can bear sometimes.”
Here are the three actors that are rumored to be in the running:
3. Grant Gustin: Grant Gustin is best known as Sebastian Smyth, the scheming leader of the Dalton Academy Warblers, the rival vocal team from the Fox TV show ‘Glee.’ The actor, 23, has an indie film ‘Affluenza’ upcoming. Of the three, Gustin may have the highest recognition factor.
Well, what do you think of the choices? Of the three, Barr bears the most resemblance to the comic book Barry Allen, with his blond hair and blue eyes. The other two are more of a stretch, but I think ultimately it should come down to acting chops and chemistry more than superficial appearances.
Unfortunately, Gustin is the only one whose work I am familiar with and his ‘Glee’ role is a far cry from an adult police scientist.
Who is your pick? Comment below!
Source: LatinoReview