Filming on ‘Arrow’ has surprisingly been a quiet one with just a small number of production stills released. So it’s with great delight to see these images of a location scene being filmed for the show pop up.
The images come courtesy of YVR Shoots who were on hand to watch the outdoor portion of a bank robbery scene in action. The Vancouver downtown Heritage Bank building was transformed into the Starling Trust Bank with fake police cars surrounding the area. Roger Cross (‘The Chronicles of Riddick‘, ‘Continuum, ‘Eureka’) guest stars in this episode as Detective Hilton who arrives on the scene and yells on a megaphone to those inside to come with their hands up. The bank hostages emerge wearing white Jason-like masks designed after playing cards. Are the real bank robbers among the hostages? Could they be part of DC’s Royal Flush gang?
According to the Green Arrow Spoilers site, episode 6 titled ‘Legacies’ indicate that Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) will indeed go up against the Royal Flush gang and that a character named Derek in the episode will also go by the name of ‘King of Diamonds’. ‘Legacies’ is slated to air on Wednesday, November 13, so we’ll just have to wait until then to see how everything comes together.
‘Arrow’ seems like an ambitious project but the promotional material released so far has shown that the casting department picked the right actor for the job! It’s no secret that the series has been touting Oliver Queen/Green Arrow’s physicality (okay, his abs!) but now in the newest promo from E! Online, Queen makes being bad look so good as he explains why he’s not the someone to fall for:
“I’m not what you would call a catch and I’m definitely not the guy you bring home to your mother. I work long hours, I run with a bad crowd. I lie. I cheat. I steal. And I promise I will never remember your birthday. Seriously, I’m no good for you.”
Of course there’s a catch as he adds, “But one day, I might just save you.”
‘Arrow’ begins his crusade to save Starling City on Wednesday, October 10, at 8PM ET/PT on the CW network.