Eric Kripke with his People’s Choice Awards for ‘Supernatural’

What do you get when you put together the writer and creator of the hit series ‘Supernatural’ with the producing genius of J.J. Abrams? You get a weekly one hour apocalyptic adventure series called ‘Revolution.’ According to Deadline, NBC has given a pilot order for the project which hopefully will be picked up for next season.

‘Revolution’ has been described as an “epic adventure thriller (about) a family (who) struggles to reunite in a post-apocalyptic American landscape: a world of empty cities, local militias and heroic freedom fighters, where every single piece of technology — computers, planes, cars, phones, even lights — has mysteriously blacked out … forever.”

Amazingly, the pilot order comes after some recent rewrites and has a $2 million penalty attached to it. If the project gets picked up, it will become a one hour series for NBC.

Abrams has been pretty busy this pilot season. With NBC green-lighting ‘Revolution,’ ABC will be the only network that doesn’t have a potential Abrams show in the works. Not too sure if the name of the Abrams-Kripke show may change as ABC does have a daytime program called ‘The Revolution’ currently on air.

As a fan of ‘Supernatural’, I’m excited about this news. However, the premise does seem to share the same beginnings as TNT’s ‘Falling Skies’ with technology and electricity becoming incapacitated, so I’m anxious to see where this storyline will lead. No casting decisions have been made yet but I’m sure news will be revealed soon. And when it is, we’ll let you know!

So what do you think of Kripke’s new series?