4. She’s Besties With Jessica Jones

Carol is a girl’s girl.  Not only is Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew one of her best friends, but so is Jessica Jones.  When producer Melissa Rosenberg began developing ‘Jessica Jones’ as a TV series for ABC, Carol would have been included in the best friend role.  By the time the show actually got made, it had shifted to Netflix, and Marvel Studios had plans for the ‘Captain Marvel’ movie, so the character Patsy “Trish” Walker/Hellcat was substituted.

5. Rogue Stole Her Memories And Powers

Some fans were confused when Anna Paquin’s Rogue in the ‘X-Men’ movies wasn’t as powerful as the character they were used to seeing on the cartoon and in the comics.  Rogue’s mutant ability is to absorb another person’s life force and psyche, and if they have superpowers, those too.  But back in her “Evil Mutant” days, Rogue fought Ms. Marvel but Carol’s human/Kree nature messed up the transfer.  Carol’s mind was destroyed, and she lost her superpowers seemingly for good.  Thanks to Professor X, at least her psyche was restored.

Rogue also turned to Professor X for help in dealing with her brain which was now overloaded with Carol’s thoughts and memories.  Soon after, she permanently switched from the side of evil to become a longstanding member of the X-Men.

6. Carol Almost Starred On An ‘X-Men’ Cartoon In The Early 1980s

Carol joined the X-Men on a journey into space, even though she had lost her powers.  During this voyage, she wound up gaining new cosmic abilities and adopted the identity of Binary.

In the early ’80s, Marvel Productions hoped to craft an ‘X-Men’ cartoon which would spin-off from ‘Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends’, and Binary would have been included as a member.  Unfortunately, this animated series never came to fruition.  On the other hand, the ‘X-Men’ cartoon would have centered around Video-Man, an original character created for ‘Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends’, a nerd that turned into an 8-bit arcade game creature.  So maybe this cartoon not happening isn’t that unfortunate.