When breaking news travels at the speed of social media, following your favorite authors on Twitter — especially those with movie adaptations coming out soon — can yield some awesome sneak peeks.

James Dashner, author of next year’s Valentine’s Day release ‘The Maze Runner,’ took to Twitter on Tuesday to hint at a few other twitter accounts to watch closely.

Sure enough, @MTV released a handful of exclusive photos soon after, and the series’ fandom around the world cheered.

In the book, a young man named Thomas (Dylan O’Brien of ‘Teen Wolf’) wakes up in an ascending elevator, with no memory but his own name. The elevator stops, and he emerges in the middle of a field called the Glade, surrounded by a crowd of teen boys who all arrived in the same manner. He soon learns the boys have built a working society to sustain life, doling out positions that fit their strengths. The fastest and cleverest spend their days sneaking out of the enclosure that contains their makeshift town, in an attempt to solve the dangerous maze that surrounds them. But they can only search during the day, because at “sundown,” the huge door leading to the maze closes, and terrifyingly organic-looking robots roam the maze to take care of any stragglers left outside.

As if all that isn’t strange enough, everyone who now lives in the Glade, having emerged without memory from the elevator, has been a male — until a girl named Teresa arrives directly after Thomas, unconscious. When other strange things begin threatening the way of life the other boys have been used to, Thomas and Teresa suddenly come under the scrutiny of the tight-knit community.

One of the best parts of these photo “leaks” is getting to see the universe we, the book readers, have been imagining in our minds since the book’s release. A ‘Hook’-like portrayal of the “lost boys” would have looked too cheesy, and a ‘Lord of the Flies’ environment would be too harsh. The gritty scenes portrayed in these few pictures, however, gives us hope that the designers are nailing it.

Now will the rest line up?

Although I was largely disappointed with ‘The Host,’ the futuristic and squeaky-clean world of an alien takeover was portrayed perfectly and was intensely loyal to the description in the book. But the story and, dare I say, acting fell short. (Not you, Saoirse Ronan. You keep being you.) I have high hopes for ‘The Maze Runner’ film adaptation, and these shots are just whetting the appetite for more sneak peeks as the months roll on.

‘The Maze Runner’ is set to hit theaters Valentine’s Day 2014.